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3 thoughts on “Contact & Subscribe

  1. Hello,
    I’ve just discovered your books and was thrilled as I’ve just written my own contemporary novel about ancestors of the original colonists including many HBC personalities. Question: how did you handle mixing the historical events and people with your own narrative choices?

    1. Hello Kyle,
      My short answer is: carefully! I tried to be faithful to the known history of the characters. However, there are a lot of gaps with women, in particular, to fill with creative choices and give shape to the narrative. Where is your novel set? Thanks for your interest.

  2. I purchased my copy of The Chief Factor’s Daughter with great intentions to read it but instead shelved it for 6+ years. I finally made time this past July long weekend and was so impressed! You creatively wove personal narratives into a beautiful story capturing a very plausible take on each unique personality. My initial draw to your book was curiosity as I had never heard of John Work (yet was born and raised on Vancouver Island!) until I wrote a university paper on him. I picked to analyze the pre-confederation impacts of John Work knowing he was important but perhaps an obscurity for the Alberta audience–Not on the anticipated slate of influential names the professor would see come across her desk. As I read your book, I thoroughly enjoyed making the connection to so many of the areas and street names in modern Victoria. I also enjoyed following each individual as they interacted with each other, especially keen to know the outcome for Margaret. Kudos on a wonderful book!

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